He was an American statesman and soldier, famous for his leadership roles.
Catholics: The catholics during the 16 and 17th century practised Roman Catholic ways and were despised by puritans
Puritans: The puritans were English protestants in the 16th and 17th century which wanted to purify the church of england of roman catholic practices.
Quakers: Are the members of a group of Christian roots that began in England in the 1650s, they also go by the friends
Calvinists: Calvinism is a major branch of protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practices set down by John calvin
The comparison is that Nomadic hunters moved around a lot, as the early agriculture communities could stay in one place, and just farm.
The five characteristics of civilization are:
1. Advanced cities: this is a large number of people living together and interacting with one another in term of trade and in other ways.
2. Specialized workers: people in the population are specialized in different specific fields that are important to the people at large.
3. Complex institution: there is organization in the community which is long lasting in nature.
4. Record keeping: Means of documenting important events and important information are in place.
5. Advanced technology: the people have invented means of solving emerging problems in the community.
The most important characteristic is the advanced cities. This is the foundation of civilization and without it no civilization can occur.