A/d I think I'm not real good at this so don't kill me if I'm wrong
In the days of communism, many Romanian and Bulgarian children, who now are among the countries' leading technologists, learned to code on replicas of Apple II and ZX Spectrum machines.
You didn't mention what the question is about, but I'm going to guess it's not D or B. So it's either A or C.
A. says something like when someone is sleep deprived, they are so tired and out of it that they might confess to committing the crime. C. says something like when the suspect is sleep deprived, they are unable to understand what they are saying, therefore they could confess to a crime they didn't commit.
I'll take an educated guess and say it's
C. Sleep deprivation can cause distress in the body and mind, which makes suspects unable to understand what they are saying or the consequences of their confession.
Due to the word seasonably, meaning occurring or preformed at a suitable or proper time, and renewed, (an activity
) after an interruption; resume
it sounds like he is repeated in a reasonable, civil tone due to his right timing persistence that he did not due the crime
I'll say my best answer is C. Sorry if it's not correct!