Answer:He committed his administration to repealing taxes, slashing government expenses, cutting military expenditures, and paying off the public debt.
1. make the government
2. lower taxes
3. smaller government
4. no navy
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La importancia del análisis de casos sociales - políticos - económicos con el uso de métodos de investigación es importante porque le permite a los investigadores darle relevancia y valides a sus estudios ya que el método científico es universalmente aceptado como un modelo de investigación que busca llegar a la verdad.
Los métodos de investigación permiten estructurar apropiadamente el proceso con el que se llevará a cabo la investigación y utiliza herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas como la estadística, la muestra, o la moda, para recolectar datos necesarios que argumenten los resultados.
De igual manera, los métodos de investigación se valen de fuentes primarias y fuentes secundarias de información para recolectar la información que servirá de respaldo a los investigadores.
Wind moves large amounts of sand from one place to another
Answer and Explanation:
Manang Biday is a popular folk song that is about courtship. This song is actually about conveying love to a woman in a most respectful way, thus showing a cultural aspect. The lyrics of this song show the courtship of a guy to a woman who is older than the former. The song is melodious and its way of communicating through this song is so beautiful that it looks amazing when it is being sung. He has courteously sung the song to show respect to the woman, whom he loves. The texture of this song seems romantic when a guy said to the woman to look down from the window so she can realize the love of him. The first paragraph is the initial rhymes in which the woman responded that she is still like an unplucked flower which still needs to bloom.
It’s a courteous melody that demonstrates a woman's response to a guy who is trying to show his love. She says that don’t go for the fruits which have fallen from the tree but go for those who are unreachable even if you have to climb up to the tree. Do something impossible to do.
Overall the tone remains conversationally. And the song’s dynamic was changing back and through because of the conversation going between a guy and a woman.