Bruno and the board of directors defend themselves in an action brought by shareholders for harming the corporation is The Business Judgment Rule.
Answer: Option C
<u>Explanation:</u><u> </u>
In the case that has been shown above is harming the board of the directors. They can protect them selves with the business judgement rule. In this rule, the managers or the directors of the business are protected who have a good image for the working of the company.
This rule does not take into consideration what the matter is but protects he directors and the managers, so they should use this rule to protect them selves and Bruno from the share holders.
When using the justification that "the tactic was unavoidable," The negotiator is saying that the negotiator was not in full control of his or her actions and hence should not be held responsible.
well you see the monkey is a very fruity animal and they need to eat so basically they eat bananas and thats a disadvantage to banana collectors. and the advantage is thaty they are smart.