You would move the decimal point two times to the left for the decimal. 0.076
For the fraction, we would make it 76/1000 because the 6 converted in the decimal is in the thousandth place. We can simplify it and get 19/250.
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x3 - 5x2 + 9x - 45 = 0
It is a polynomial of degree three, therefore, it has three roots.
For this case, what we can do is factorize to write the polynomial in an easier way and thus be able to find the roots.
Factoring we have:
(x - 5) (x ^ 2 + 9) = 0
x = 5
x = 3i
x = -3i
three roots:
x = 5
x = 3i
x = -3i
Newton realized that the reason the planets orbit the Sun is related to why objects fall to Earth when we drop them. The Sun's gravity pulls on the planets, just as Earth's gravity pulls down anything that is not held up by some other force and keeps you and me on the ground.
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