The Quran is the book of Allah, and it is written in Arabic. The word Quran means recitation in Arabic. All Muslims must recite the Quran in Arabic, regardless of their national language. The Quran is the central religious text used by most Muslims to guide their prayer rituals, worship services, and family traditions.
The Quran consists of one hundred and fourteen chapters of six thousand verses, originally revealed to Muhammad for twenty-two years. These chapters which are called "Surahs," are arranged according to length, from the longest being some twenty-two pages of the Arabic text for sura two, through the shortest being only a single line for sura one hundred and eight.
Hope this helps!
I would have to think probability
the quality or state of being probable; the extent to which something is likely to happen or be the case.
Both <em>los </em>and <em>las</em> are definite articles for plural nouns in the Spanish language. The difference is that<em> </em><em>los</em> is used for plural masculine nouns (plural form of <em>el</em>), while <em>las</em> is used for plural feminine nouns (plural form of <em>la</em>). As a good example, we can take the names of cities Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Los Angeles is actually the plural form of <em>el angel</em>, meaning<em> the angel</em>, while the singular form of Las Vegas is <em>la vega</em>, meaning <em>the meadow</em>.
Another example:
el perro - the dog los perros - the dogs
la vaca - the cow las vacas - the cows
सारंगी , इसराज, दिलरुबा, तारशहनाई, सरोद, बांसुरी आदि वाद्य संगत के लिए उपयोग में लाए जाने लगे। आधुनिक काल के आते -आते हारमोनियम, वाइलिन आदि पाश्चात्य वाद्यों का भी प्रयोग शास्त्रीय संगीत में संगत वाद्य के रूप में किया जाने लगा।
Hi there
the word that you asked means syphany