Did you ever find your answer ?? what is it .. I need it lol
According to the prophecy, "peace [will] come to Canterville" when that "golden girl" intercedes for Sir Simon and enables him to cross over, despite his lack of faith. ... He is tired of being a ghost, but since he has no faith, he can't pray to be delivered. He needs someone pure and faithful to do this for him.
Explanation:Según la profecía, "la paz [llegará] a Canterville" cuando esa "chica de oro" interceda por Sir Simon y le permita cruzar, a pesar de su falta de fe. ... Está cansado de ser un fantasma, pero como no tiene fe, no puede rezar para ser liberado. Necesita que alguien puro y fiel lo haga por él.
Zweiundzwanzig is your answer .-.
“Teenagers who volunteer their time feel a sense of fulfillment that connects them to their communities.” That seems very moral.
Sunnah is an action that was performed by our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w , and hadith is the where sunnah is written for us to read, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w life is perfect example for us we all must follow his teachings, his way of livings thats sunnah.