Follow this list as finals week approaches (the earlier you prep, the better) so you can ace your exams from start to finish:
Create your own study guide.
Ask questions.
Attend the review session.
Start early.
Organize a group study session.
Study things not on the study guide.
Take breaks.
Stay well-rested.
I can. If you’re interested
Fluency is a key contributor toward independent and successful reading and is comprised of three components: accuracy, rate, and prosody (expression).
Adverbs refer to the words which modify an adjective, a verb or an adverb. Adverbs further answers to the following question of,
<em>How? Where? When? and Why?</em>
Therefore, in the sentence, <em>yesterday Rachel worked slowly because she was so tired.</em>
Words which function as an adverb are- yesterday, so and slowly.
Yesterday answers from the following questions of<em> when?</em>
So acts as a modifier to an adverb <em>slowly</em>, and
Slowly modifies an adjective <em>slow</em>.
To describe immigrants difficult experiences in America.