A. Histrionic
Histrionic means that it is exaggerated or showy. It is a exaggerated dramatic designed to attract attention and that is what Alex is doing. He is "center of attention".
An advertisement for a Burger King burger that, although it was advertising a burger, was suggesting oral sex. I also found a Butterfinger ad where it was suggesting group sex between peanut butter and chocolate and cheese and crackers. Lastly, I found an ad for Axe body spray but it was portraying it as attracting women.
1) It helps body to be flexible and strong.
2) It makes body healthy.
Dig a hole and burry the body. Tell no one.
a. patient pays 2,100
b. $2,400
A patient with a high-deductible consumer-driven health plan has met half of the $1,000 annual deductible before requiring surgery to repair a broken ankle while visiting a neighboring state. The out-of-network physician's bill is $4,500. The PPO that takes ffect after the deductible has been met is an 80-20 in-network plan and a 60-40 out-of-network plan. How much does the patient owe? How much should the PPO be billed?
if the patient has payed half of the annual deductible $1000
which is $500
. 4,500-500=$4000
The plan will pay 60% out of network amount of 4000 which is 2,400. (4,000 x 60%=2,400)
40% out of network will be payed by the patient
40%*4000= 1600
the patient will pay 500 (remainder of deductible) plus 1,600 which is the 40% of the bill after deductible is meet. So, patient pays 2,100 of the bill.