It is either A or B because constructivism is building together
Free radicals are unstable molecules that lost an electron and will seek to replace it as it gives rise. These are formed from oxygen and although about 95% of the oxygen we consume is for energy, the rest generates these harmful molecules.
Free radicals cause aging, DNA alterations and <u>cardiovascular diseases</u>, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, increase levels of bad cholesterol and <u>cancer</u>.
There are also other elements that increase the number of free radicals in our body and these are: tobacco, radiation, excessive consumption of processed foods, pesticides and industrial pollution.
Physical activities can make your child more active, energetic, and of course more athletic. It causes your child to have more physical ability and can make your child very strong when he/she grows up. Considering that your child has to eat well to gain the muscle and help it grow more.
Hope this helps :)
Answer:The virus may not show symptoms for years, making d infected person to keep spreading the virus