<span>The answer is CTRL + A, this selects whole worksheet (A means all). In computing, a Control key is a transformer key which, when pushed in combination with one more key, achieves a singular operation (for example, Ctrl + A; like the Shift key, the Control key infrequently achieves any purpose when pushed by itself.</span>
They get the idea from nature and then the make engineered systems.That is how they are similar.
#part 1
#read the amount
amount=int(input("enter the amount:"))
#find the dollars
// find the cents
#print output
print("{} dollars and {} cents.".format(doll,cent))
#part 2
#read a floating point
temperature=float(input("enter the temperature:"))
#part 3
#read a word
firstWord=input("enter a word:")
In part 1, read amount and the find the dollars with the help of "/" operator. Then find the cents with "%" operator and print both.In part 2, read a point and cast it to float then assign it to variable "temperature".In part 3,Read a word and assign it to variable "firstWord".
enter the amount:4321
43 dollars and 21 cents.
enter the temperature:12.5
enter a word:hello
An Array
Array and Object is a good use for storing data and accessing it
The arithmetic operator is used by the program to perform simple algebraic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. Relational operators are the ones that are used to validate a relationship between the two operands as if they are equal, greater than, less than, etc.