The modifier in the sentence, “Tom ate the burger and fries as if he were in a race,” is “as if he were in a race.”
A modifier is a section of a phrase or a clause structure. In English grammar, the responsibility of a modifier is to modify or change another element in the structure of a sentence on which this optional element is dependent.
In this sentence above, “as if he were in a race” is the modifier which changes the other element of the sentence structure. Plus, the first part of the sentence if separated from the modifier forms an independent statement. So, “Tom ate the burger and fries,” is an independent sentence which is grammatically correct and is equal in structure to the original sentence.
I was at the museum one late night, making sure everything was in place. As I walk up to the mummy palace, which was a room where we kept all the fake mummies, I hear something fall.. i did not think much of it so I walked right out. As I was walking out, I had this very bad feeling in my stomach.. I turn around very slowly ... chills going on all over my body.. and I SEE IT!!! A real life mummy!!!! I run as fast I can hoping to get away from it but no luck. The mummy had gotten me and turned me into one of them. Now I’m a mummy in the museum. I’m on of them.
B."The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road."
Forseshadowing is when you let the reader see something that is going to happen later in the story with different ways of leaving clues so the reader is able to see it coming, they could be bi signals, or using prophecies, or by the context given, in this case the author is using the description of the forest to foreshadow the fate of the protagonist.
He followed her with his machete
The correct answer is the main idea