Semen is the correct answer
The worm gets coated with antibodies, which activate other cells in the immune system to secrete chemicals that kill it.
Production of T-helper I cytokines like IFN gamma, IL-2 and IL-18 is highly protective against helminth infection by activating the macrophage intracellular killers. Protection against mucosal eosinophil responses in which antiparasitic chemicals are released. Killing also involves direct cytotoxic mechanisms in which T- cell and NK-cells directly release antiparasitic agents like perforin and granulysin which kill the parasite.
If the Earth suddenly had no gravity, the Earth’s atmosphere would float into space. Everything not attached to the Earth would fly off into space. Things like trees and most buildings would remain because they are rooted. Since the Earth, itself, is held together by gravity, it would most probably break apart into chunks and float off.