He's inspirational and if it wasn't for him our society now wouldn't be the same.
An epic hero has several characteristics such as being of noble birth and humility. Ulysses's characteristics mentioned are exemplified by different events in Homer's Odyssey.
a. "Ulysses conceives a plan to blind Cyclops" is an example of hero's characteristic of being braver and smarter than a typical man. As an intelligent man, Ulysses comes up with a plan that no one else could think of to defeat Cyclops.
b. "Ulysses shouts out his name to the Cyclops while leaving the island" exemplifies how Ulysses possesses human frailties and flaws.
c. "Jove orders Calypso to allow Ulysses to continue on his journey home" is an example of how a hero receives help from supernatural friends. Jove's help Ulysses contributes to his characterization of epic hero.
d. "Neptune raises storms to throw Ulysses's ship off course" is an example of how an epic hero faces obstacles set by supernatural foes, in this case, Neptuno.
Robert Martinson
After writing about his experiences in prisons, where he carried on research, American sociologist Robert Martinson claimed that rehabilitation programs did not work for convicted criminals who reoffended repeatedly. As a result, even though he later changed his mind, his findings were disputed at the time and caused the cancellation of several rehabilitation programs in the US.
Weak claim, elaborate more and provide details to entice your readers in.