The economy prospered and fertile land for agriculture.
The Song dynasty ruled China from 960 to 1279 CE. The reign split into two, including the Northern Song, which lasted from 960-1125 CE and Southern Song from 1125-1279 CE. The Northern part ruled by uniting China, with its capital called Kaifeng. The north state did not last for long as it invaded by the Jin state in the 12th century. The defeat led the Song to relocate their court to the Yangtze Valley that formed a new capital named Hangzhou in 1138 CE in Zhejiang province.
The loosing of the northern region did not deaden the booming economy. The trading ports of Hangzhou were Quanzhou and Fuzhou, which situated in the south and continue to thrive with cities where settlers took up permanent residence. The south was more fertile and continued to produce an excessive harvest.
British casualties were very high, the british realized they would have to up their game
“Principles of mercantilism are that the government must encourage exports that will bring in more gold or silver and discourage imports.
Also, manufacturers should be the choice for exports because increased value from labor and monopoly will occur.”
However, military officials have been interested in psychiatric issues ... However, by the end of the war, the general opinion among both psychiatrists and ... that only around 40% of all cases of nervous breakdown took place overseas (and only a ... After World War II, most psychiatrists considered aiding returning soldiers
A. Urban II
These incursions prompted the emperor of Byzantium, Alexius I Comnenus to send a delegation to Piacenza, Italy, asking Pope Urban II in March 1095 for help against the Turks. On November 27, 1095, in Clermont, France, Pope Urban II called for a crusade to help the Byzantines and to free the city of Jerusalem.