The theme of that poem is destructive potential of hatred and desire
<span>Question 7
Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s Great Tragedies.
True: Because of the amount of death and sadness and murder through the play, Macbeth is considered a tragedy. It's also one of Shakespeare's most famous and most popular.
Question 8
Macbeth is a story about: The murder of a king by his cousin, the revenge of a son, three witches who plot against Macbeth, and Macbeth’s rise/fall.
False: Macbeth kills the king, but is not related to him and witches do not actively plot against Macbeth. It's just about the rise and fall of Macbeth.
Question 9
Shakespeare demonstrated the Elizabethan belief that the country is stable only if the king is good and virtuous.
True: As soon as Macbeth, a bad and evil king, takes control of the country, people report weird and spooky things happening, and the country falls to chaos.
Question 10
Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy.
Answer: In Genesis, for example, particular parts of the world are created seriatim; in an Egyptian myth, Kheper, the creator deity, says, “I planned in my heart,” and in a Maori myth the creator deity proceeds from inactivity to increasing stages of activity.
An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; and indirect or passing reference.