Methane the most, small amount of oxygen and other gases
C. The movement of water from the central vacuoles of cells into the solution
pros: travel, skill development, job growth
I would have to guess forest, as those claws look like they are for grabbing hold of branches, and the long beak usually means they eat worms.
Exocytosis is a type of active transport in which the cell membrane fuses with secretory vesicles and expels their content (water-soluble molecules, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.) into the extracellular space. Exocytosis can be regulated or constitutive. Regulated exocytosis occurs in response of a specific signal while constitutive exocytosis secretes molecules without the need of a signal. Ca2+ is an external signal that triggers regulated exocytosis which is particularly important in neuron synapses.