To write 6.716 as a fraction you have to write 6.716 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
6.716 = 6.716/1 = 67.16/10 = 671.6/100 = 6716/1000
And finally we have:
6.716 as a fraction equals 6716/1000
Domain [-4,4]
Range [-2,2]
Step-by-step explanation:
The domain is the x-values of the graph and the range in the y-values. When writing domain and range it should be from least to greatest. So to find the domain find the lowest x-value on the graph and then the highest. Next, do the same for y-values. Finally, either surround each value with parentheses or bracket, the difference is that brackets mean that value is included, while parentheses mean that value is not actually on the graph.
In this case, the lowest x-value is -4 and the highest is 4, both values are included as signified by the closed circles, therefore the domain is [-4,4]. The lowest y value is -2 and the highest is 2, both are included, therefore the range is [-2,2].
Fraction of the original board left = 
Step-by-step explanation:
Let the length of the board is = l feet
Marty saws off
of a wooden board.
Length of the board left = l - 
He saws off
of the remaining board,
Board left = ![(\frac{4}{5})l-[(\frac{4}{5})l\times (\frac{3}{4})]](
He finally saws off
rd of the remaining board.
Board left = ![\frac{1}{5}l-[\frac{1}{5}\times \frac{1}{3}]l](
Fraction of the original board left = 