41. It was a very hot day. Everyone wanted A some cold drinks B. two bottles of hot water C. a piece of sandwich D. a cup of cof
fee 42. After some days Paulo was absent because of sickness, Paulo was well again. He regained his health. A. He continued his vacation. C. He helped his mother at home. B. He started attending his classes. D. He woke up early. 43. Paulo had missed many lessons so he had to double his efforts. A He stayed awake till morning, studying his lessons. B. He asked his mother to do his homework for him. C. He requested his teacher to promote him to the next grade level. D. He copied notes from his classmates and studied them at home. 44. Paulo was very happy to see his classmates. He was so touched by their thoughtfulness. He said A. "Oh, thank you so much", but why did you come? B. "Oh thank you very much for coming”, you've made me very happy. C. "Oh, thank you very much. Did you bring something for me?" D. "Oh, thank you", what gifts did you bring?" 45. In spite of his absences, Paulo got high grades. A. That made his dassmates believe he had super powers. B. That led to his being elected president of the class. C. That made his mother happy and proud of him. D. That made his friends believed that they must get absent too, in class. 46. Why did Kyoto frog and Osaka frog wanted to travel? A. They want to go to different places B. They want to live on different places C. They want to see the differences of the other place D. They want to look for beautiful places 47. What made the frogs decide to go home? A. They think that the other place was a copy of their place. B. They were tired of traveling. C. They have seen what they wanted to see. D. None of the above 48. Which of the following is the effect of water pollution? A. People discharged waste into water bodies. B. Fourteen billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean. C. Aquatic animals face an extinction rate of five times than terrestrial animals. D. Lack of proper sanitation in water. 49. What causes water pollution? A. Billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean. B. People have no concern on keeping the cleanliness of water sources. C. Oil spill cannot be prevented if accidents happen in the bodies of water. D. All of the above 50. According to UNICEF, more than 3,000 children die every day all over the world due to consumption of contaminated drinking water. In this sentence, which is the effect? A. according to UNICEF B. more than 3,000 children die every day all over the world C. due to consumption of contaminated drinking water D. All of the above
The instruction expects us to check which answers have a logical effect that relates to the statement made. The correct answers are;
41. A. some cold drinks
42. B. He started attending his classes.
43. D. He copied notes from his classmates and studied them at home.
44. B. "Oh thank you very much for coming”, you've made me very happy.
45. C. That made his mother happy and proud of him.
46. C. They want to see the differences of the other place
47. A. They think that the other place was a copy of their place.
48. C. Aquatic animals face an extinction rate of five times than terrestrial animals.
49. D. D. All of the above
50. B. more than 3,000 children die every day all over the world
To understand which options have a connotation that relates to the given sentences, you need to understand the context of the sentences.
For example, in the first sentence, the reader should have an idea that on hot days, we usually desire cold drinks. So, the best option that will fit is A.
In the next sentence, a student will usually resume school after suffering from sickness. Therefore, Option B suits best. The same logic applies to the remaining sentences.