It's cheap, it's easy, and all the cell has to do is sit there and let the molecules diffuse in. ... suppose the sugar glucose is more concentrated inside of a cell than outside ... If sodium ions are outside of a cell, they will tend to move into the cell based .... by building up a high concentration of potassium ions inside the cell, which ...
Its when you poop or photosynthesis
The potential energy in food is what we call a Calorie, which (note the capitalization) is actually a kiloCalorie (1000 calories). Just pick any food high in calories; fats and oils are very calorie dense.
refer to the taxonomic groups that are consistently utilized in organism hierarchy classification. Sub-phyla, subclasses, suborders, subfamilies, subgenera, and variations are a few examples of .
:It is challenging to classify newly discovered creatures into established categories. As a result, the prefixes "super" and "sub" have been added to the existing categories, such as sub-kingdom, sub-phylum, super class, etc. These are categorized as . This has also made the placement of different taxa more soundly and scientifically.
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