A mutation that helps a rabbit conceal itself from predators.
Muscle fiber type (slow oxidative fibers, fast oxidative fibers, fast glycolytic fibers), load, and recruitment
68-52=16 gives us the temp change, so you divide it by 4 hours for the temp increase each hour 16/4=4
Forceps should be used because directly touching the substance and dropping it into the acid with your hands can cause harm to yourself, and it can also prevent contamination of the substance.
Lac genes are most effectively expressed in presence of Lactose and its analogs when glucose is absent.
A unit of prokaryotic gene expression and regulation,which includes structural genes and regulatory sequences recognized by regulatory gene product is called operon.
<em>Lac </em>structural genes are a part of<em> Lac</em> operon. The <em>Lac </em>operon consists of three, structural genes,an operator and a promoter.The product of Lac operon is involved in the conversion of disaccharide lactose into glucose and Galactose.
Lactose and its analogs are inducers of<em> Lac </em>operon. So, the structural genes are best expressed in presence of Lactose. Glucose and galactose are repressors of lac gene so the genes are repressed in presence of glucose.