A ps4 a laptop a Nintendo switch a Xbox 360 school books that are not complete and a pencil mostly it would tell them that I was into gaming and hated school work
The reason why corruption increased when opposition political parties were banned in Ghana was because Nkrumah's government held too much power and the officials in power could essentially do whatever they wanted.
Transfer to another college that offers the course
Since she is at the beginning of a second semester, it is better to apply for transfer to other colleges that offer this caate approved curriculum instead of waiting to finish in the college before applying for advanced degree in athletic train which might be disastrous if she doesn't the foundational part of the degree.
I would say that the most typical stressor here is an unexpected visit. Starting from you feeling uncomfortable about not preparing (dirty flat, etc), you might not want to meet those people and might feel stressed about how to tel them this.
The other options are potential "positive" surprises.