A 1913 California law forced Japanese Americans to "sell their land" due mostly to the fact that during this time in the US there was a highly racist element that made whites feel superior to Japanese and other non-whites.
The electoral college consists of 538 electors who are distributed throughout the states. The amount of electors that an American state has depends on the state's population. A larger population has more electors to represent the state, whereas a state with a smaller population has less electors.
In the past, many people were fairly politically uninformed. Due to this, the electoral college was established to represent the general public, and the electors were required to make the most beneficial presidential decision for their state.
The electoral college continues to represent the American public in presidential elections today. The electors often vote based on their state's citizens' presidential preference. However, sometimes the electors strongly believe in a different candidate and cast their votes towards him/her.
The official purpose of the electoral college is to represent their state in presidential elections, which determines the President of the United States and the Vice President.
I hope this helps answer your question!
convex and concave are two types of lenses
1) Breaking the Watergate story- After the break-in to the Democratic National Convention building, investigative reports began to research who was involved behind this break-in. This lead to one of the biggest journalistic events in US history. Thanks to the work of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, President Richard Nixon was exposed as being aware of this break-in and actually had a part in organizing it. This news story shocked America, as a president has never been linked to such an incident.
2) Release of the Pentagon Papers- These previously classified documents were released by different newspaper organizations (like the New York Times and Washington Post). This showed that the government had been lying to the American public about the progress being made in the Vietnam War.
In Ancient Times, only sons could become heirs to Kingdoms, there were ofc exceptions to this, but for all purposes, we assume the King needed a male here to rule after him, Atlanta isn't a male, so he was disappointed in this