skin cancer
One risk is skin cancer, the ub rays inside the tanning bed can permanently damage your skin.
One standard set by OSHA is that all construction employers must provide fire extinguishers and other forms of fire protection/prevention all throughout the construction job site. Another standard set up by OSHA is the availability of clean drinking water and water available for cleanup after chemical spills/accidents. A third standard OSHA established is the idea that all places of employment must have adequate lighting to ensure that workers do not injure themself such as falling into a hole or off a raised ledge. There are many more standards OSHA set in place, and OSHA sends out inspectors to make sure the standards are being enforced.
1. Dendrites ( they communicate with other neurons)
2. Soma/cell body (this is the cell body of the neuron)
3. Myelin sheath (insulates the axon to send the electrical impulse faster)
4. Axon (the electrical impulse travels through this to get to other neuron)
5. Synapse ( junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.)