A lo largo de la historia y hasta el surgimiento del movimiento feminista, las mujeres se encontraron en un lugar relegado en la sociedad. Varios son los ejemplos de esta situación, entre los que podemos mencionar:
-el sometimiento ideológico, al prohibirseles el voto hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. Hasta hace 100 años atrás, las mujeres no tenían la posibilidad de expresarse en las urnas.
-las mujeres, en sus trabajos, aun hoy en día sufren discriminación salarial: cobran menos que los hombres por el mismo trabajo realizado.
-la total dependencia de los labores domésticos, los cuales son otorgados en forma egoísta a la mujer por parte del hombre. La mujer muchas veces ocupa un rol de "sirvienta" al servicio del hombre, completando todos los quehaceres de la casa sin ayudas.
-el sometimiento económico, por el cual en el pasado no se permitía a la mujer trabajar, con lo cual se la hacia absolutamente dependiente económicamente del hombre.
-la desigualdad en los puestos de poder entre hombres y mujeres, la cual se ve explicitada en la proporción de mujeres con altos cargos políticos en comparación con la cantidad de hombres en los mismos.
Several Medical and Law experts gathered together and debated the formation of a new half government half privatized department to assist the Fire Department and Police in the field faster than the hospital could. In fact back then even experts debated to make a law that drivers must yield to emergency vehicles. However that law didn't become official until 1996 when a Paramedic was struck and killed by another vehicle.
The SCOTUS did not rule that T.L.O’s 4th amendment (searches and seizures) rights had been violated. They ruled that the school administrations search of the bag was reasonable under the circumstances (i.e T.L.O. Being a minor and on school property, meaning that while at school, administration is responsible for the well-being and safety of all students, thus allowing them to search T.L.O’s bag for marijuana). A good way to think of it is that while you’re at school, the administration acts as your parents. Your parents don’t need a warrant to search through your room and neither does the administration if you are on school property. The 4th amendment applies to this case because it protects against unlawful searches and seizures (i.e. searches and seizures that are without a warrant). The constitutional question was whether or not T.L.O. Could be charged with a crime/punished or not because the school administration did not have a warrant. However, because the school administration was acting as a loco parentis (latin term for “in place of the parent”) they did not need a warrant to search her bag. Hope this helped!
China is the world's most active death penalty country; according to Amnesty International, China executes more people than the rest of the world combined per annum. In Iran and Saudi Arabia, the numbers of executions are also very high.