During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow and produce new proteins. At the end of this gap is another control checkpoint (G2 Checkpoint) to determine if the cell can now proceed to enter M (mitosis) and divide.
An example of this analogy might be that the surrounding the central dogma which is compared to making yout mum's recipe for brownies.
First, you ought to call your mum, she stands for the DNA. Then, you pay attention in listening and copying down her instructions. This is can be compared to transcription because during transcription, DNA is copied to mRNA.
Any mistake you do during listening and copying leads to mutation caused by insertion or omission.
Answer: hydrolysis of intermediate palmitoyl Co A ,with loss of labeled CoA.before reaching the matrix gives the answer
This is because when the labeled Coenzyme A of the Plamitate combines as Palmitoy-CoA with oxaloacetate to form intermediate (palmitoyl-CoA )in Citric Acid cycle:
CoA is hydrolysed with loss of the labelled CoA which returns to the cystosol. Therefore, the labelled CoA does not reach the matrix of the mitochondrial,but returns to the Cystosol.
Consequently, the CoA in the Cystosol will be labelled in palmitoylCoA and the one in the matrix of the liver mitochondrial will be non radioactive(,will not labelled).