The correct answer is Formal Benchmarking.
The English term "benchmark" comes from the words "bench" (bench, table) and "mark" (brand, sign). In the original meaning of English, the word compound could however be translated as a measure of quality. In other words, benchmarking is a way to determine how well a company performs, compared to others.
In order to be more competitive at present, it is necessary to use benchmarking since it provides strategies that allow identifying the best keys to the company's success, so that by implementing them the organization can be a leading and competitive company in a changing market and global in which business organizations currently have to see each other.
The majority of authors relate benchmarking with competitiveness and business improvement, being "the company" its natural scope. However, the potential benefits of its use make it considered in other areas, such as "public organizations", and at other levels, "sectoral" and "environment" (regional, national and international). This complicates the definition of the concept, since it is a tool that has multiple application possibilities, pursues different objectives in each case, and uses its own methodology in each area.
There is little cooperation, relative to other economies.
The participants in the economy are slow to adopt new beneficial technologies due to previous customs.
Occupational choices can be restricted.
<em>Traditional economies</em> are old economy types that rely mainly on barter as a a mean of exchange. Their customs and tradition hinder changes related to technology, showing high resistance to change. Since economy is mainly based in the primary economy sector, occupational choices are usually limited for inhabitants.
There is the absence of international trade, as barter is the reigning exchange method done only inside the country.
His firm is using a sales orientation
Sales orientation refers to a business technique that rely on it's selling and persuasion technique as their main source of income.
Company that use sales orientation usually sold a type of product that is high in price and not commonly bought by the costumers in large quantity.
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