In this world where we live today, people tend to avoid paying attention to anyone who is talking, unless you have a good impression on them. Have you ever asked yourself why don’t we always believe words? I guess the reason of that is that words are alterable; we say something, and we change it the next minute right away. I therefore firmly believe that actions speak louder than words.
First of all, every single person on earth has the freedom to say whatever he/she wants, but it is not something guaranteed that everyone is going to believe you, or take you words into consideration. People nowadays are more likely to believe the language of the body, because it is the evident truth. For example; when someone runs for presidency; he wants to get people’s votes. Thus, he/she starts improving his/her image among people by visiting hospitals, making donations, and giving free stuffs away.
Furthermore; words don’t have the effect that actions do on people. Words are easier to forget, while actions can be forgotten that easy; actions would last forever if they had a great impression on us. It is also impossible to show people how truthful your words are without an evident action. For example; when you say ‘I missed you’ to a friend, and you haven’t even bothered yourself to pick up the phone to know how he/she was doing, then obviously these words are just lies. Hence, actions are more realistic when it comes to expressing our emotions.
To put it all in a nutshell, actions are the optimum way to make people believe you. Words could be a method to convey messages, but it’s not as efficient as actions. Believe me, even if you had the ability to make such great speeches like Barack Obama, you are going to need actions that support your words.
A simile uses like or as to compare something
The most prominent theme in the "The £1,000,000 Bank-Note" is the power of money. When the protagonist, Henry Adams, produces a million-pound note at the "cheap-eating house" and later at the tailor shop, the owners of both of these establishments think he is a wealthy man even though he is dressed in rags. They agree to let Adams pay at a later time, providing him with credit at their stores. Throughout the story, the protagonist receives special treatment and the attention of all classes of people in London without spending any money, simply because of his million-pound note; he is looked upon as a reliable and trustworthy gentleman. Several businessmen even buy stocks in a gold mine based solely on his recommendation.
Another key theme of the story is the protagonist’s transformation from rags to riches. Initially, the protagonist is wandering the streets as a penniless man who is hungry and homeless in a foreign land. However, after receiving the million-pound bank note from the two rich gentlemen, his life turns around and he quickly climbs the ladder of social hierarchy. He procures all the rich comforts and luxuries without actually spending any money and gains popularity among the upper class. He is even able to make some profit based on his reputation alone. After returning the million-pound note to its owners, Henry Adams is left with enough money to live in comfort for the rest of his life. And by the end of the story, he marries the daughter of one of the rich gentlemen who gave him the note.
Prefixes are added to the beggining of a word to change or modify its meaning