Critics of Piaget believe his timeline for the development of both object permanence and conservation is too late, as further explained below.
<h3>What is object permanence?</h3>
Psychologist Jean Piaget called object permanence the ability a child has to understand that an object, animal, or person continues to exist even if it/they can no longer be seen. According to Piaget, this ability begins to be developed when the child is around 8 months old.
<h3>What is conservation?</h3>
Piaget described conservation as the ability to understand that, even if the shape or appearance of an object changes, its quantity remains the same. For example, water changes shape according to the container it is poured in. But 500ml of water in a bottle are still 500ml of water in a cup. Conservation is developed, according to Piaget, between ages 7 and 11.
Critics of Jean Piaget claim that the timeline for the development of both object permanence and conservation is too late. Therefore, the answer provided above is correct.
Learn more about object permanence here:
There was a conflict of religion versus science at the
Scopes Trial because the teaching of evolution where man was said to come from
animals was against the Biblical origin of man. At the time, it was not allowed
to teach that theory. This began a
debate of whether or not to teach evolution in high school and it challenged the Christian origins of
This question really depends on the individual, their culture and where they live. For example, the understanding of human rights is likely high in Scandinavia, where the life standards and the level of education is high.
However, in countries struggling with low literacy, the awareness of individual rights is likely low.
Ancient Athens were the society that practiced direct democracy.
The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci
Painted and brought as a mural during the renissance period, a time of rebirth throgtout Europe. da Vinci was an Italian polymath, this is one of his many famous works, next to the Mona Lisa, Salvator Mundi, etc.
The painting is the last meal Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples a day before his curcifixcation. (There's more to it, espeically religiously.)