Simon Phillip Cowell is an English television personality, businessman and record executive. ... His father was from a mostly Jewish family, though he did not discuss his ... Cowell took a few menial jobs—including, according to his brother Tony, ..... The event raised $20 million and Cowell made a personal donation of ...
Welcome to any place means you will be received with pleasure by anyone you pay a visit to. However, you will not feel glad or happy if you are welcome to a place you hate, but you have to go to or if you are welcome to hell. Take the song Welcome to the Jungle by Guns &Roses .How could you be welcome in a place with so much violence and death?
I would like Medium term saving goal
which is 2 months to 3 years. After that I think how to save more n more.
It is compound complex, since it is two full sentences combined with a semicolon