The everlasting question, cats or dogs. Some favor one over the other; like them both or don’t like either of them. I personally prefer cats for many reasons. They have a lot of personalities, they are more independent and their owner’s health benefits from them.
In my opinion, cats have more personality than dogs because they don’t follow your every command. If they want to knock a cup over they’ll do it regardless of you telling them not to. If they don’t want to do something you can’t force them to do it.
Secondly, cats are more independent than dogs because you don’t have to take them for walks to keep them healthy. Cats can also use the bathroom by themselves rather than having to be let out as dogs do.
Lastly, humans health benefit from having a cat. They reduce stress, help the immune system, lower risk of heart disease and many more.
For these reasons, cats are the superior animal of the two.
Good luck!!
Answer: option (D).
Explanation: Nicholas fiddled with his thumbs, because, he didn’t dare look at his sister as she towered over him.
Commas are mostly used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read. Commas mark a brief pause in the sentence, usually at a point where you would naturally pause if you were speaking rather than writing.
1. P
2. SC
3. SC
4. P
5. IC
6. IC
7. IC
A <em><u>phrase</u></em> does not have <u>verbs</u>(action words) and <u>subject</u>(he/she/I...)
E.g. Amazing english books
A <em><u>Subordinate</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>Clause</u></em> has verbs and subject but is <u>not</u><u> </u><u>a</u><u> </u><u>complete</u><u> </u><u>sentence</u><u>. </u>
E.g. If I love English
A <em><u>Independent</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>Clause</u></em> can be a <u>complete</u><u> </u><u>sentence</u><u>. </u>
E.g. I love english
studied ethics, virtue, justice, and other ideas relating to human behavior.
Kino and Juana in the pearl