Fruits, vegetables, spices, cereals, Wood, Fibres, Cotton, perfumes, dyes, and most importantly medicines.
Plants play a major role in the preparation of several useful drugs and antibiotics.
Yes the cell will re-aggregate
Cells from tissue B are isolated and dissociated, then treated with the antibodies raised against cell type A membrane proteins. Will cells from tissue By aggregate.
Aggregation permits a cell-cell contact present in a tissue, this enhances the function and behavior if the cells.
Weight can be measured in pounds.
A bowling ball has more mass than a basketball.
A bowling ball weighs more than a basketball.
Weight can be measured with a scale.
Objects have the same mass regardless of where they are.
Overload, progression and specificity are the three basic principals of training that are the foundation for developing a successful personal fitness program.
Affirmative, that is correct.
A genetic disorder is nothing more than an abnormal occurrence in a genome, which means that if you change DNA you'll change the genome, and if the change isn't acceptable, genetic disorders can occur easily.
Genetic disorders is a fun field within genetics, and it isn't easy. The functioning of a gene might be an easy concept now a days, but we haven't mastered it. For example, it's not like maths:
- Somebody comes up with a new, unsolved problem, and tries to solve it, and while doing that, the person can create laws, theorems, equations, etc.
Once you come up against a genetic disorder (you can't just create a genetic disorder to study it) you have to study the genetic disorder itself, what caused it and why.
Hope it helped,