“The . . . man told him of great sums of money buried by Kidd the pirate, under the oak trees on the high ridge, not far from the morass. All these were under his command, and protected by his power, so that none could find them but such as propitiated his favor.”
Hope this helps, please give brainliest!
Are there any options? What do you mean?
personification attaching human attributes to non human
Everytime you come across such information in the article, you can be sure that quoting the percentage of overweight children reinforce the writerÍs position in the article in tht way : It provides a researched fact to support the authorÍs position. The writer can't just include imagined facts, he uses reliable information in order to enrich his opinion. Hope it helps!
A 'Renaissance Man' is one of a certain number of qualities that were seen as typical of the Renaissance period, these include,
-Being a master in many subjects
-Being isolated from common society
-Creating great works
-Turning away from a more medieval Religious view and towards the sciences