<span>Leonardo da Vinci is the Renaissance man responsible for the ornithopter. The ornithopter is a type of aircraft whose wings flap, causing it to fly. This format mimics the natural motion of animals that fly (like bats and birds). </span>
It increased farming production which slowly led to a rise in population
The Judicial Branch can rule that the Legislative Branch’s laws are unconstitutional. They can also evaluate the Executive Branch and rule whether or not the actions of the Executive are constitutional.
A producer can include someone involved in the mining industry. Some of the factors to be considered before production starts are what are the grade and tonnage say of the metals involved? Also, the geometry of the deposit is important to know how to develop it ie open pit or underground or both. Also the economics must be considered ie what is the world market price of the metal in question and the prognosis for its future price?
<span> Women in most
countries went to work in bomber, tank and other military-based
factories because most of the men had gone off to fight. This is where
"Rosie the Riveter" came from. They'd also take care of and run
businesses that their husbands, fathers, brothers, etc. had left. You
also had women serving in the armed forces as nurses, radio controllers
and secretaries</span>