Nucleic acids do that.............
BLINK protein speeds up stomatal movements in response to light fluctuations resulting in improved plant growth and water use.
Plants can't move, so their “blinking” helps protect them from burning or bleaching when they are in bright sun.
I'm not sure if the first part is right, but I do know the second part is.
The important
indicators of hemotopoietic function and a number of clinical parameters, such
as blood oxygen-carrying capacity, inflammation, and hemostasis are circulating
blodd cell coutns and indices. By performing whole-exome sequence association
analyses of hematologic quantitative traits in 15,459 community-dwelling
individuals, followed by in silico replication in up to 52,024 independent
samples, we identified two previously undescribed coding variants associated
with lower platelet count.
Cation-exchange chromatography is used when the molecule of interest is positively charged, the stationary phase is negatively charged and positively charged molecules are loaded to be attracted to it. So, the amino acids with negative charge will elute the first. Glutamate, leucin, arginine is the order of elution because of their pI values ~3, ~6 ~10.
Carnoives eat meat and herbivores eat plants