Nosotros no podemos salir de la sala cuando la maestra está hablando.
It comes after lunes, lunes meaning Monday and martes meaning Tuesday
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).
Bold answers:
Le escribimos para informarle que su servicio de Internet inalámbrico ya funciona¹ a través de nuestra empresa. Ahora usted podrá² conectarse a Internet, sin que la distancia y el lugar sean³ un problema. Puede llamarnos a nuestra línea de servicio al cliente cuando usted quiera⁴. Nuestros agentes responden⁵ a las llamadas las 24 horas del día.
We are writing to inform you that your wireless Internet service is already working through our company. Now you will be able to connect to the Internet, without distance and place being a problem. You can call our customer service line whenever you want. Our agents respond to calls 24 hours a day.