Google search operator is also known as advanced operator which extend the various capabilities of the regular type of text searches. It basically contain various types of special characters and the commands.
Google search operator are very useful in the various technical and the content searches. This type of search operator also limits the result in the sites which are indexed with a specific domain and URL (User resource locator). The google search basically allow to use various symbols that are based on the operator.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string userInput;
getline(cin, userInput);
// Here, an integer variable is declared to find that the user entered string consist of word darn or not
int isPresent = userInput.find("darn");
if (isPresent > 0){
cout << "Censored" << endl;
// Solution starts here
cout << userInput << endl;
// End of solution
return 0;
// End of Program
The proposed solution added an else statement to the code
This will enable the program to print the userInput if userInput doesn't contain the word darn
Unit testing is the software testing method in which the individual source code are associate to control data. Unit testing basically test the code to ensure that the data or information meets its design.
The aim of unit testing that each part isolate in the program and display the correct individual parts.
Unit testing tool are efficient as they provide several benefits in the development cycle. The basic efficiency of unit testing tools depend upon its type of testing. Unit testing basically validate the units of source code in the program.
For example: when the loop and function in the program work efficiently.