The light bands are called I bands and the dark bands are called A bands. In the middle of the I bands there is a line called the Z line (or disc). In the middle of the A bands (or dark bands) there is a light zone called the H zone. In the middle of the H zone there is another line, the M line.
c. cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid
This fluid is a colorless , clear body fluid , that is present in the brain and the spinal cord .
Some specialized ependymal cells produces this fluid .
Around 125 mL of Cerebrospinal fluid is produced at one time , and around 500mL is produced daily .
The Cerebrospinal fluid is nearly 99% water which means it contain highest volume of fluid .
Bone is a mineralized connective tissue that exhibits four types of cells: osteoblasts, bone lining cells, osteocytes, and osteoclasts.
I'm not sure that this is 400 words but this is what I came up with.