Answer: your answer is C.
Explanation: insulting or villainizing someone is cruel and making it hard for them to vote would be hard in itself. You must respect they’re opinions, and they will respect yours.
See:new people animals and land
Taste:new food
Scientific Revolution occurred during the Renaissance, during which mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, human anatomy, chemistry are developed. All this has led to a transformation in the way of thinking. Knowledge based on ecclesiastical teachings and teachings was no longer undoubtedly accepted, but it all started to be subjected to scientific observation, experiments and the re-examination of traditional learning. This did not only affect the change of attitude and thinking in science, but it also reflected on the everyday view of the world in Europe. This is also reflected in all other spheres of life, people turn away from the Church as the source of a dogmatic way of thinking. Many previous theories were disputed, such as the geocentric system.
The correct answers are B. and E.