The history of the 13 American colonies that would become the first 13 states of the United States dates to 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered what he thought was a New World, but was really North America, which along with its indigenous population and culture, had been there all along.
Spanish Conquistadors and Portuguese explorers soon used the continent as a base for expanding their nations’ global empires. France and the Dutch Republic joined in by exploring and colonizing northern regions of North America.
England moved to stake its claim in 1497 when explorer John Cabot, sailing under the British flag, landed on the east coast of what is now America.
Twelve years after sending Cabot on a second but fatal voyage to America King Henry VII died, leaving the throne to his son, King Henry VIII. Henry VIII had more interest in marrying and executing wives and warring with France than in global expansion. Following the deaths of Henry VIII and his frail son Edward, Queen Mary I took over and spent most of her days executing Protestants. With the death of “Bloody Mary,” Queen Elizabeth I ushered in the English golden age, fulfilling the promise of the entire Tudor royal dynasty.
Under Elizabeth I, England began to profit from transatlantic trade, and after defeating the Spanish Armada expanded its global influence. In 1584, Elizabeth I commissioned Sir Walter Raleigh to sail towards Newfoundland where he founded the colonies of Virginia and Roanoke, the so-called “Lost Colony.” While these early settlements did little to establish England as a global empire, they set the stage for Elizabeth’s successor, King James I.
The domestic and agricultural labor became more evidently primary in Western Africa due to slaves being regarded as these "political tools" of access and status. Slaves often had more wives than their owners, and this boosted the class of their owners. Slaves were not all used for the same purpose.
Slavery and the slave trades had a significant impact on the size of the population and the gender distribution throughout much of Africa.By providing firearms amongst the trade goods, Europeans increased warfare and political instability in West Africa. Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result. Other states were completely destroyed and their populations decimated as they were absorbed by rivals.
B: Bronze
Because this brought humans into the bronze/copper age. And bronze is a copper and tin alloy
There were many reasons. The country was in extreme poverty, there was starvation everywhere and people were dying in misery. They wanted to change the imperialistic rule and impose their own bolshevik rule. People also wanted to end their participation in the war which is one of the first things that happened after the revolution. The communists left the war before the war ended.
Many hundreds of thousands of houses were either shaken down or burned in the ensuing fire touched off by the quake. The shock generated a tsunami that reached a height of 39.5 feet (12 metres) at Atami on Sagami Gulf, where it destroyed 155 houses and killed 60 people. It was bad , hope this helps , have a good day , peace