Synonyms help us connect unknown words with known words. For example, one may not know the meaning of the word "nefarious" when used in this context: "The offense was more nefarious than previously thought." If we replace "nefarious" with "evil" or "wretched" the meaning is more comprehensible to those who don't know the meaning of "nefarious": The offense was more evil (wretched) than previously thought."
I hope this helps, I used nefarious as a somewhat uncommon term to better illustrate my point, and to explain why we use synonyms to learn new words. Simply put, synonyms bridge us to the unknown using the known as solid ground build from.
As the paintings, this baroque art movement was EXTREMELY ornate with fabulous flourishes colored in lavish gold, really anything to show their wealth.
I believe the correct answer is: material that the lens is
made from.
Lenses are engineered to have
specific focal lengths, besides the curvature of the two sides of a lens. The
focal range, the distance between your optic nerve and the retins in lens, of
the lenses is determined by the material that lenses are made from.
yes they are
Raphael is a Italian renaissance artist and is known for his madonnas.
Michelangelo is an painter, sculptor, architect and poet. He is an Italian sculptor.
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the Renaissance who was interested in invention, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartograph. He is mainly known for his painting the Mona Lisa.