Rounded to the nearest hundred, she would have 300 beads.
Ahh!!! what are you trying to mean..
C you welcome because the answer that the answer
A. You need to say that it is chipmunks. Otherwise the reader might infer "these" is in reference to the squirrels.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but I'll try to put something helpful :)
To find the predicate in a sentence you first need to find the subject. The subject is what the sentence is about. For an example I'll use the sentence "The cat drinks some milk". In that sentence the subject is the cat because that is what the sentence is about. The predicate is what the subject is doing or what the subject is. In the example sentence the predicate would be "drinking" because that is what the cat is doing. In your situation I do not know the full sentence but look for what the red indians are, or what the red indians are doing. Like, "the red indians are running" running is the predicate there. I hope this is useful sorry if it's not what you were looking for.