Step-by-step explanation:

About 90,348.3333 cell phones daily. You can round it up to 90,348.
210 : 65
42 : 13 is the ratio of 210mm long and 65mm wide
<span>divide both numbers by 5</span>
Answer: $54
The shirts in total cost $30 and with the additional $30 cost of the jeans the total price without a discount is $60. You then take the discount and turn it into a decimal (0.10) and multiply it by the $60 total. This gives you 6, which is the amount of money you take off, which means the total is $54
Step-by-step explanation:
24/42, 75/135, 150/250, and 75/150 I believe is what you're asking. We know 75/135 is better than 75/150 so 75/150 is out of the equation. If we multiple 75/135 by 2 we get 150/270 which is more than 150/250, so 75/135 is out of the equation. Now to compare 24/42 and 150/250 we can divide their fractions, if we divide 24/42 we get 0.57, so 57%. If we did 150/250 we get 0.6 or 60%. So 150/250 is the best score.