I think check and balance
Adults with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or more are guilty of a DUI, but there is a “Zero Tolerance” law for drivers under 21 years old. This means that drivers who show a 0.01 BAC will face charges for drunk driving.
because they will be able to make decision which is right or wrong based upon their moral values. A couple who has conceived after a long medical intervention is requested to make a decision in regards to abortion in view to save the life of women who is comatose due to an accident.
I hope this helped!!!
awesome! happy pride month!
While systemic reforms ultimately rely on government policies and action, individuals can play a role as well. Initiatives such as the Harvard Organization for Prison Education and Reform and the Petey Greene Program, for example, send trained volunteers to tutor incarcerated individuals with the dual goal of advocating for structural reforms to prison education. Volunteering to tutor students in prison who are working toward their GEDs will reap rewards for students, tutors, and society.