Oh there have been plenty.
STI's for example including HIV (human Immunodeficiency virus) has definitely boosted the awareness of caution and avoiding risky behaviors in both sexual terms and reducing exposure to bodily fluid via blood in work, or IVDA (intravenous drug abuse) needle sharing.
Additionally potentially dangerous and very infectious diseases like the Flu have put an emphasis on the very basic disease prevention of washing ones hands, covering your sneezes, wearing face masks during exposure, and getting vaccinated as well.
And these are merely two examples of how hundreds of disease shaped out infection control protocols and norms.
If you stick with the healthy living practices in step 1, you will improve your fitness, health, and wellness (step 2), but the result is still dependent on others. For example, if you get fit because of exercise prescribed by coaches and physical education teachers, your fitness is dependent on their guidance.
1.Your body weight is simply your body's total mass. Body composition is what your weight is made of—muscle, bone, water, and fat.
2.14-20% is considered athletic. 21-24% is considered fit. 25-31% is considered acceptable. 32% or more is considered obese.
3.Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.
4. 45–65 percent carbohydrates. 10–30 percent protein. 20–35 percent fat.
5.A slow metabolism burns fewer calories, which means more get stored as fat in the body; that's why some people have difficulty losing weight by just cutting calories. A fast metabolism burns calories at a quicker rate, which explains why some people can eat a lot and not gain extra pounds.
6.Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds, could help increase your metabolism for a few hours.
Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers, may boost your metabolism by increasing the number of calories and fat you burn.
The combination of caffeine and catechins found in tea may help your body burn slightly more calories and fat each day
Only condoms can protect against an STI. Only condoms have been proven to reduce the risk of getting some STDs. According to the HHS Office on Women's Health, the male latex condom is the best method for protecting against STDs, including HIV/AIDS. Polyurethane condoms are an effective alternative if either partner has a latex allergy.
keeping everything the same