The Phoenicians were the settlers in the limited land of Phoenicia. ... The Phoenician alphabet was easier to learn than cuneiform, allowing more people to be able to write and simplified trade with people who spoke different languages.
This is an example of <u>"hegemonic masculinity".</u>
In gender studies, hegemonic masculinity is a piece of R. W. Connell's gender order theory, which perceives numerous masculinities that differ crosswise over time, culture and the person. Hegemonic masculinity is characterized as a training that legitimizes men's prevailing position in the public arena and legitimizes the subordination of ladies, and other minimized methods for being a man. Conceptually, hegemonic masculinity proposes to clarify how and why men keep up overwhelming social jobs over ladies, and other sex personalities, which are seen as "feminine" in a given society.
I think it might be that the fled to MIssissippi
They are drawn by the State Legislature