The slave trade brought about a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. This intensified effects that were already present amongst its rulers, kinships, kingdoms and in society.
Some societies preyed on others to obtain captives to exchange for firearms. They believed they had to acquire firearms in this way to protect themselves from attack and capture by rivals. Demand for African captives, particularly for the sugar plantations in the Americas, became so great that they could only be acquired by initiating raiding and warfare. Large areas of Africa were devastated and societies disintegrated.
The majority of people who revolt in America were patriots or American whigs that consists of all kinds of individuals such as youth, workers, parents, and mostly students. They come together to reject the British laws during American Revolution. Patriots have the same impression that they are not appropriately represented by the British government. Additionally, the British government enforced new rules and taxes on colonies without the participation of colonies in the law-making process
In France following the French Revolution there was a period that is known as the "reign of terror" whereby revolutionary courts were set up to prosecute individuals who were believed to be "enemies of the revolution." This was essentially a witch hunt for the enemies of the political elites during this period.