Evans' interest in the island of Crete, which according to the Greek legend hosted an ancient civilization of "Minoans," was sparked by Heinrich Schliemann's discovery of legendary Troy. Like Schliemann, Evans was an amateur archaeologist, driven by his passion for mythology of the ancient world.
The government would because they would finance said war.
The Age of Exploration.
The Age of Exploration starrted when a number of European countries began overseas explorations to find new trade route. There were three main factors that led to the Age of Exploration these include- Gold, God and Glory. The European countries began to find the new trade routes for economic gain or to earn more wealth. They wanted to improve their economies by establishing their control over the trade of spice and gold etc. They explored new land to spread their religion- Christianity. And, the fame associated with the discovery of new land and trade route inspired them more to explore more. Therefore, the need for new trade routes, the desire to spread religion and competition between various European countries contributed to the "Age of Exploration".
Herculaneum, ancient city of 4,000–5,000 inhabitants in Campania, Italy. It lay 5 miles (8 km) southeast of Naples, at the western base of Mount Vesuvius, and was destroyed—together with Pompeii, Torre Annunziata, and Stabiae—by the Vesuvius eruption of ad 79.