Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman emphasize the importance of living true to yourself and developing complete self-acceptance. To live a genuine life and completely accept who you are, you must understand your identity and your sense of self. In Self-Reliance, Emerson explains that your identity and your sense of self are spiritual. Whitman argues, in Song of Myself, that your identity and sense of self are based on both your soul and your body. While both Emerson and Whitman allow for intimate connections and friendships, Emerson encourages people to have relationships with a select few, whereas Whitman encourages people to connect with everyone and anyone, due to their different views of self In general, both Emerson and Whitman
Refinishing furniture is a creative hobby, but not everyone loves to scour garage sales to find old items.
Going to flea markets can help you to notice unique qualities in used items; beauty can be found where you least expect it.
Specialized equipment can make the refinishing process easier, therefore, painting the furniture can be creative with the right tools.
Some people like refinishing old furniture, others prefer buying new items.
Climax is when the conflict is usually introduced
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