This story vascillates between the everyday humdrum life of Water Mitty, the hen-pecked husband sterotype, and the extravagant adventures he lives in his daydreams. Mitty flits in and out of reality, his daydreams concocted by a stream of consciousness association triggered by the sputtering of his car's exhaust pipe, a pair of gloves, and finally a freshly lit cigarette. In such a way this docile "hubby" gets to be the captain of an icebreaker, a famous surgeon, a defendent in a murder trial and finally a fighter pilot taken captive distaining a firing squad. Mitty's imagination is his "second life," which nurtures his deflated ego and helps hims escape the insufferable mediocrity of his existence.
If you do a graph of the plot line of this story, it would look very much like a cardiograph printout, with the steady horizontal line of Mitty's real life intermittantly broken by the highs and lows of his "virtual" existence.
Okay, so parcore, skydiving, mountain climbing, and gymnastics
What makes life worth living
Counterarguments are the possible ways in which an author's arguments will be defied, that is, the possible reasons people might give to try and refute the claim made by the author. By anticipating or predicting such counterarguments, the author is able to see the weaknesses of his own claim and arguments and work to improve them. As a matter of fact, in essay writing, it is good to mention the counterarguments and address them in the essay by showing how or why they are not an obstacle to your claim or, at least, that there are solutions for them. That way, you show readers you have already considered those possibilities and found reasons to stick to your claim.